Echoes of Maternal Wisdom

Affirmations, Meditations, and Guided Imagery Audio Membership

Welcome to the only audio membership designed specifically to help moms go from feeling unsettled, insecure, and worried about being a 'good enough' mom to feeling relaxed, confident, and secure in your role as a mother.

Each week, you will receive a beautifully crafted 15-minute audio recording of a guided imagery meditation containing positive affirmations for moms promoting tranquility, self-assurance, and inner strength.



In just 15 minutes a week, you can rejuvenate your mind and spirit, preparing you to navigate motherhood with grace and confidence.

Look, we know motherhood can be a storm of emotions - tension, anxiety, and self-doubt. Get the wisdom you need to turn those emotions into a source of strength.  


  • Are you a mother feeling tense, overwhelmed, anxious, and laden with self-doubt?
  • Do you often find yourself on an emotional roller-coaster, unable to find calm amidst the chaos?
  • Are you longing for the nurturing voice of a caring mother to guide you, comfort you, and affirm your abilities?

If you answered yes, you're in the right place. Welcome to your haven of peace and confidence.


Are you ready to join the Echoes of Maternal Wisdom - affirmations, meditations, and imagery audio membership?



 Let's take a peek into the heartwarming experiences that await you as part of the Echoes of Maternal Wisdom - Affirmations, Meditations, and Imagery Audio Membership

Calm and Relaxation

The guided meditations will help alleviate your anxiety and promote relaxation. You'll feel a serene calm washing over you, making it easier for you to handle everyday stresses.

Confidence and Security

Through empowering affirmations, you'll see your self-doubt being replaced with confidence. You'll feel secure in your abilities to make the best choices for you and your child.


We'll help you embrace your values and priorities as a mother. We empower you to be the mother you always wanted to be, providing you with the tools you need to carve your path in your mothering journey.

Inner Support

Without the external support of your own mother, navigating motherhood can seem daunting. We aim to provide you with the internal support you need to manage these challenges.

Sound like what you need? Join the Echoes of Maternal Wisdom - affirmations, meditations, and imagery audio membership.




Does this sound familiar? 

  • Being a mom feels challenging and is made even tougher because you don't have the comforting presence and guidance of a loving mom.
  • There are times when you feel unsettled, insecure, and fraught with worries about your capacity to be a 'good enough' mom.
  • It can feel like an uphill battle, where every day is a struggle to stay calm and focused.
woman looking off in the distance (1)
Melissa Reilly, Psy.D. Beach

Imagine a world where you... 

  • Feel relaxed, confident, and secure in your role as a mother.
  • Wake up every day feeling centered, empowered, and certain about your values and priorities.
  • Live a life where you navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood with a serene heart and a peaceful mind.

Are you ready to join the Echoes of Maternal Wisdom - affirmations, meditations, and imagery audio membership?



In the whirlwind of motherhood, finding moments to care for yourself can seem like a luxury you simply can't afford.

The Echoes of Maternal Wisdom membership is designed to be your efficient and effective pathway to calm, peace, and resilience.

These easy-to-listen-to sessions can seamlessly integrate into your routine, whether during your morning coffee, your commute, or your child's naptime.

Being part of our membership means you no longer need to carve out huge chunks of time for self-care.

In just 15 minutes a week, you can rejuvenate your mind and spirit, empowering you to navigate motherhood with confidence and self-assurance.

Echoes of Maternal Wisdom - Affirmations, Meditations, and Imagery Audio Membership

Each week, you will receive a beautifully crafted 15-minute audio recording. These are not just simple audio files, but portals to tranquility, self-assurance, and inner strength. These weekly nuggets of wisdom will take three enriching forms:

  1. Guided Imagery Sessions: Immerse yourself in soothing narratives that harness the power of your imagination to bring about profound relaxation and positivity. These sessions are your ticket to a calm mind and a rejuvenated spirit.

  2. Guided Meditations: Let our comforting voice guide you through meditative journeys that will help you alleviate stress, promote relaxation, and enhance your overall sense of well-being. These sessions will become your refuge in those overwhelming moments.

  3. Affirmations: Listen to empowering affirmations designed to help you replace self-doubt with unshakeable confidence. Our affirmations aim to reinforce your belief in your abilities and inspire you to navigate motherhood with grace and assurance.

The weekly recordings will give you the tools you need to nourish your emotional and mental well-being and become the confident, relaxed mother you aspire to be.

Are you ready to join the Echoes of Maternal Wisdom - affirmations, meditations and imagery membership?


The Echoes of Maternal Wisdom Audio Membership Lead by Melissa Reilly, Psy.D.

The monthly membership program is created to help you find the inner strength and wisdom you need to tackle the journey of motherhood. 

These soothing and inspiring audios are meticulously curated by Dr. Reilly who understands your struggles. They are designed to nourish your soul, calm your nerves, and boost your confidence. 

Hi, I'm Melissa and this is why I've created the Echoes of Maternal Wisdom Audio Membership just for you.

Jackson and Me on beach

I've been a momless mom for over 12 years and know what it's like to parent without the support and guidance of a loving mom in my day-to-day life.

I love being a mom, entrepreneur and psychologist. My son, frequently hangs out with a lovely group of friends, he is enjoying the start of school, and can't wait for the school musical practices to begin. My psychological practice is thriving, and I am passionate about my coaching program for moms without a mom. 

But it wasn't always like this. Unfortunately, the first few years of my son's life were not only among the most challenging times of my life but also a time when I felt utterly alone and completely lost in how to be a mom. My mom and both sisters had died before he was born, and I had lived in our town for less than a year.

My son was born with neurological conditions that took a year to diagnose and required years of intensive therapies for him to engage in basic tasks, including walking, talking, and interacting with others in meaningful ways. I was filled with fear and self-blame (completely irrational) and felt utterly overwhelmed. Being a shy introvert made reaching out for help challenging. I felt like something was wrong with me because it felt like I was failing as a mom. 

And then I realized that I felt different because I was different. There are unique challenges that all moms without a mom experience that impacts their mothering.

 I knew I needed to change how I was living my life. I couldn't do it alone.

 So here is what I did:

  •  I replaced my negative self-talk with compassion and encouragement.
  • I educated myself about the challenges my son and I were facing and what we needed to do.
  • I sought emotional support from people who would listen rather than try and cheer me up or give advice.
  • I asked for assistance from people who could lighten the load. 

 I want all moms to thrive and recognize their inner strength, especially those moms like me who don't have a loving, supportive mom in their day-to-day lives. We are stronger when we have a community that understands us! 

Special Offer

  • Every mother deserves access to resources that uplift and support her journey. To make this vision a reality, I am offering ONE MONTH FREE of the Echoes of Maternal Wisdom - Affirmations, Meditations, and Imagery Audio Membership.
  • The value you will receive is manifold. With the enriching weekly audio recordings and the transformative experiences they foster, this membership typically carries a value of $97 per month. But for a limited time, at the end of your free month, you can continue to access all of these benefits for only $27 per month
  • This is not just an investment in a membership; it's an investment in your well-being, your peace of mind, and your journey as a mother.

$97 of value
for only $27

1 month free

Special Offer

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to sign in at a specific date and time to hear the meditations/affirmations/imagery?

No.  Each recording will be uploaded to the membership site and you will be able to listen to them when it is convenient to you.  

How will I access the recordings?

The recordings will be available on The Moms Without A Mom community website.  

How long will I have access to the recordings?

There will be a new recording added to the membership website each Monday at 10 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time)  

Can I download the recordings or have access to them offline?

Yes, you will be able to download the recordings so that you can listen to them at any time.  

Will I be able to listen to the recordings like I listen to a podcast?

Yes, the recordings can be listened to as a podcast and you can access them through your normal podcast platform. 

How long is my membership good for?

You will have ONE FREE MONTH of the membership after which you can renew for the current price of $27 per month.  You can cancel at anytime.

Are you ready to join the Echoes of Maternal Wisdom - affirmations, meditations, and imagery audio membership?